Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nazi's hijacked the Netherlands to continue the Third Reich along the Benelux, Europe, America and the rest of the world with global genocide consequences.

If you understand the importance of this message after reading the contents, namely the stolen future of Europe, America and finally the rest of the World, including the freedom, prosperity and wellbeing of our children and grandchildren, please spend time to get this info to as many people as possible?


Therefore this request to start a criminal investigation from the central 'governments' of all countries on Earth and beyond, to STOP the by Nazi hijacked Netherlands and their collaborators who continue the Third Reich along Dutch territory followed by the Benelux, Europe, America and the rest of the world with global genocide consequences. Based on the on 5 September 1944 in London falsely signed Dutch-Belgian-Luxembourg Customs Convention, followed by the on 2 February 1958 establishing of the Benelux Economic Union and the on 17 June 2008 signed declaration of the "New Benelux Treaty" at The Hague, (since 1940, Nazi Netherlands conventions are illegal). The Belgian Government is the only authority’s that can stop this illegal, stealth continuation of the Third Reich by invalidate this Benelux Treaty.King Leopold III of Belgium refused to cooperate with these Nazi collaborators and therefore deliberately did not fled to England with the Dutch and Belgium government, and therefore has written in January 1944 a "political testament", to be published in case he would not be in Belgium if the allied forces would liberate the country (himself wrote "occupy"). In the testament he demanded an apology from the government in exile for the events of 1940 andhe rejected the treaties they had signed in London. This means that King Leopold III posthumously rejected the new Benelux Treaty. Which means an opportunity to re-build Europe with independent countries based on the democratic laws applicable before the Treaty. Thereby the Belgian King Leopold III still save the world from the fascist takeover like his father Albert I intended to, and defeats the by Nazi hostage Netherlands from which current Nazi Europe has been able to arise anew.  For substructure: read our registered letter (Dutch language), sent on 3 October 2012 to the Belgian Constitutional Court.

One must be aware of the fact that a repetition of the mistakes that were made in the past lies again in front of us. The lives of millions if not billions of people will once again put in jeopardy, even worse as was the case of the I and II World War. The aim of the cartel was the same, to conquer and rule over Europe, America and final the rest of the world. This time with far fewer people to control, (who waste the raw materials) with all possible political, economic and military resources (video) , including mass poisoning "genocide", wherefore "Agenda 21" . A false flag attack on the global people ones more implemented by Hitlers financiers who after World Ware II stealth continued the Hitler Cabinet through the territory of the Netherlands, with Nazi Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld and his mother in law Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands as implementers. What happened in collaboration with the Belgian "Robert Rothschild" and socialist Paul-Henri Spaakwhom father was good friends with the Jewish Rothschild banking family,  (Ashkenazi Jews / Zionist). Jointly they lived in exile during World War II in England (Rothschildand implement a hidden agenda to continue stealth the Third Reich through the Netherlands if Adolf Hitler and his financiers officially lose the war. This to illegal expand the on Dutch territory stealth continued Nazi government, first by the Benelux, there after Europe, Amerika and final the rest of the world. However, King Leopold III of Belgium thwartsthese plans where John F. Kennedy), Robert Welch and Eisenhower warned us of!