Sunday, February 2, 2014

It seems that Holland is a tyrannical Pedocracy



The world-centre of child sexual abuse would appear to be Holland.
Countries such as Thailand have often copied Holland.

The following is from: Mr. Ben van den Brink:

According to Ben van den Brink:

1. In 2009, Ben discovers that his two daughters, Demi and Nirvana, are being abused by Ype Minkema, his wife's father.

Ben's wife is Leonie Minkema.

The girls, Demi and Nirvana, are also being abused by members of the child abuse ring to which Ype belongs.
Leonie tells Ben that she has been abused by her father, Ype, and others.

Schoorl - alleged site of  child abuse.

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aangirfan: DEMI AND NIRVANA; CHILD ABUSE RING:   Demi The world-centre of child sexual abuse would appear to be Holland. Countries such as Thailand have often copied Holland. The...