Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Portuguese force austerity plan back to drawing board
COMUNICATIONSFRAUDOfficers Association seeks to demystify the current situation, which traverses the Portuguese nation!Despite the postponement of the resolution of the outstanding issues for over 15 years in connection withtheir professional status, with huge losses for the military and their families, the PA leadership, met to reviewthe new austerity measures presented by the Prime Minister and repeated by the Minister of Finance. Theknobs of the armed forces don´t want to stay more linked to this vile attack that being perpetrated against our citizens!
We move in defense of PORTUGAL and the PORTUGUESE
No forms part of military status elude situations, much less lie and the Portuguese people used as guinea pigs for social experiments. Besides being us and coming from the same people.It is also evident the failure of the policies imposed by this government, which is based on the devaluationof labor rights and the imposition of more and more austerity, more unemployment, more precarious.Transformed to the poor of this country in miserable and to the middle class in poor. We face a shatteredcountry, and wandering aimlessly into the abyss.We cannot allow that to flavor any 'troika', are eliminated legal rights enshrined in the Constitution of thePortuguese Republic and we swear defense.We cannot and we must allow that a nation like ours, with more than 900 years wither because a fewgentlemen decided to make Portugal a colony of European and world high finance, with the goal of impoverish the country, without regard the elementary rights of citizens and the laws of the Republic and of the history of this nation!The AP wants to demonstrate that not need be carried "pins" with the symbol of the national flag on hislapel to be a true patriot.Those who are truly patriotic, we are the people, from where emanate the military, who in their day to dayare vilified in their salaries and their rights under the pretext of a crisis to which nothing has contributed.The knobs of the Armed Forces, did the national flag in front of the oath of defending the homeland andobserve and enforce the Constitution of the RepublicTherefore, comrades, the AP energetically repudiates these policies are being followed because theycontradict everything that oath to defend, if necessary with the sacrifice of the OWN LIFE!Mr. Prime Minister, for the good of Portugal and the Portuguese, let them a favor,
and now
The DirectionLisbon, 17 September 2012 not professional translation by @todossomosgriegos